- Official content up to and including Episode 12, Destruction of Morroc
- No god items
- 7x Base/Job EXP
- 2.5x Quest EXP
- 35x Drops (logarithmically scaled)
- 1x MVP rewards/cards
Logarithmic Scaling?
Drop rates are set at “35x”, but this doesn’t tell the entire story. Drop rates on Four Leaf (as a percentage) are given by the following formula:
* (5 - log10(ITEM_BASE_RATE
)/ln(5) / 100
is the item’s drop rate as a percentage, multiplied by 100;
is 35
Doesn’t make sense? Basically, ultra-low drop rate items such as Poring Card receive a boost closer to 35x (in this case, the full 35x, to 0.35%). More common items, such as Empty Bottle, receive a much more mild boost.
The net effect is less suffering grinding for ultra-rare items, without common drops flooding the server.
- Increased HP/SP regen; greatly increased HP/SP regen out of combat
- Out-of-combat state begins 5 seconds after exiting combat, down from 10
- Out-of-combat state no longer incurred by Teleport effects
- Crafting recipes re-tooled to use base/job level in place of stats
- Pre-trans 9X exp curve made more linear (~54% of the EXP in this range has been removed)
- Stat/Skill reset quest
- Encumbrance threshold increased from 50% to 70%
- Kafra teleport network linked (teleport from Prontera to Juno for the price of all the legs in the journey combined!)
- Party EXP share range increased to 25
- Devotion range increased to 25
- Tons of custom hairstyles and colour palettes
- Elemental Converter item buff durations increased from 3m to 20m
Informational Commands
- @commands
- @help
- @rates
- @uptime
- @showdelay
- @exp
- @mobinfo @mi
- @iteminfo @ii
- @whodrops @wd
- @time
- @jailtime
- @hominfo
- @homstats
- @showexp
- @whereis
Functional Commands
- @noask
- @noks
- @autotrade @at
- @request
- @arealoot @al
- @whobuy @whobuys @wb
- @whosell @whosells @ws
- @channel
- @ignore
- @duel
- @invite
- @leave
- @noask
- @me
- @memo