This initial set of patchnotes will be a bit different from what you should expect, as it will contain all of the customizations and changes implemented on Four Leaf RO up to this point.

Many more changes will come, with time; all modifications are subject to further review and change. Please offer your feedback, and consider this a first-draft.


Global System Changes

Experience, Drops

  • The experience required to level-up from 90-99 pre-rebirth has been reduced greatly; a total of approximately 127.8 million base experience points has been removed from this range (approximately 54% of the EXP previously in that range). This should make the path to rebirth more tenable; players can expect the classic, treacherous trek to 99/70 to be unchanged and painful.
  • Experience gain and drops are disabled for monsters that are killed exclusively by AFK players (have not interacted in over 2 minutes). This change is intended to promote active play, and cripple AFK alchemist strategies.
    Note: This does not affect the ability to leech AFK party members with an active character.
  • Homunculus-earned job EXP is no longer lost, and homunculi earn 10% of the EXP their masters earn; these changes are intended to compensate for the loss of AFK farming abilities. Something new, in exchange for something old.


  • HP/SP regen is disabled at 70% weight instead of 50%.

HP/SP Regeneration

  • HP regeneration tick interval changed from 6000 to 4000 milliseconds
  • SP regeneration tick interval changed from 8000 to 6000 milliseconds
  • Sit tickrate multiplier REDUCED from 2x to 1.3x for HP, 1.5x for SP
  • Added an out-of-combat 2x tickrate multiplier
  • Delay to be flagged as out-of-combat reduced from 10 seconds to 5 seconds
  • Teleport effects (including Fly Wing) no longer flag you as in-combat

The net effect of these changes is that you should enjoy faster HP/SP regen in general. We have diverted some of the power from the sitting state to an out-of-combat state that begins five seconds after a combat action (anything that will flag you as ineligible for logout).

This means that you needn’t feel compelled to sit to recover; you can enjoy increased regeneration rates while fly-winging around, looking for your next targets.


  • Disabled outside of Town maps


  • Disabled outside of Prontera

Class Changes


Attention Concentrate

  • Duration at max level increased to 5 minutes; SP costs modestly adjusted


Double Bolt

  • Duration at max level increased to 5 minutes; SP costs modestly adjusted


Increase Agility

  • Duration at max level increased to 5 minutes; SP costs modestly adjusted


  • Duration at max level increased to 5 minutes; SP costs modestly adjusted


  • No longer presents a dialog when cast at level 1



  • Duration at max level increased to 5 minutes; SP costs modestly adjusted

Impositio Manus

  • Duration at max level increased to 5 minutes; SP costs modestly adjusted


  • Duration at max level increased to 5 minutes; SP costs modestly adjusted


  • Duration at max level increased to 5 minutes; SP costs modestly adjusted


Enchant Poison

  • Duration at max level increased to 5 minutes; SP costs modestly adjusted



  • Now affects the zeny cost of Mammonite


Adrenaline Rush

  • Duration at max level increased to 5 minutes; SP costs modestly adjusted

Weapon Perfection

  • Duration at max level increased to 5 minutes; SP costs modestly adjusted


  • Duration at max level increased to 5 minutes; SP costs modestly adjusted

Ore/Metal Refining

  • BONUS success rate rescaled according to the following formula: (Job_Lvl * 0.5% for levels 1-50) + (Job_Lvl * 1.25% for levels 51-70)

  • Weapon Smithing BASE success rate rescaled according to the following formula: (Base_Lvl * 0.2%) + (Job_Lvl * 0.5% for levels 1-50) + (Job_Lvl * 1.25% for levels 51-70)

These values are still affected by the relevant modifiers for each skill (anvil, skill level, etc).

The intent is to enable all Blacksmiths and Alchemists to participate in crafting, without requiring that they leech to high levels with a worthless-in-combat build. Values are experimental and subject to changes in future updates.


Cart Boost

  • Duration at max level increased to 5 minutes; SP costs modestly adjusted

Maximum Power-Thrust

  • Duration at max level increased to 5 minutes; SP costs modestly adjusted
  • Zeny costs increased 10% (what a bargain.)



  • Success rate formula reworked to use base/job level instead of stats. Odds of success are now given by the formula:

(Learning_Potion_Level x 1%) + (Pharmacy_Level * 3%) + (Job_Lvl * 0.5% for each level 1-50) + (Job_Lvl * 1.25% for each level 51-70) + (Base_Lvl * 0.11%)

This yields a maximum 101% success rate at base level 99 and job level 70.

  • Red Potions receive a 25% bonus to success rate
  • Yellow Potions receive a 15% bonus to success rate
  • Fire, Acid, Plant, and Marine Sphere bottles receive a -5% penalty to success rate
  • Condensed Red Potions receive a 5% penalty to success rate
  • Condensed Yellow Potions receive an 8% penalty to success rate
  • Condensed White Potions receive a 10% penalty to success rate

The intent is to enable all Blacksmiths and Alchemists to participate in crafting, without requiring that they leech to high levels with a worthless-in-combat build. Values are experimental and subject to changes in future updates.

Taekwon Kid

Sprint (Spurt)

  • Duration at max level increased to 5 minutes; SP costs unchanged

Player Commands

  • Added @arealoot and alias @al
  • Added @whosell and aliases @ws @whosells
  • Added @whobuy and aliases @wb @whobuys



Baby Job Changer

Added an NPC in the very first map of the Novice Training Grounds, who will turn player-characters into a Baby Novice.
Note: This NPC will only offer the job-change for Base Level/Job Level 1 Novice characters.


Linked all core town and dungeon Kafras to each other; you can, for example, teleport from Prontera all the way to Juno in a single step, for the cost of all of the legs in the trip combined.


  • Added Stylist NPC to Southwest Prontera and starting zone
  • Added various costume vendors to Southwest Prontera and starting zone
  • Special thanks to player/tester Mommy for their invaluable help with the ragna/v/ custom costume conversions


Prontera Hypnotist replaced with an NPC that offers a full skill/stat reset, in exchange for some fairly-easy-to-gather materials.

Veins Siblings Quest

Materials required to feed camels reduced by half.

Rachel Sanctuary Quest

Reduced the number of turn-ins required to unlock the sanctuary from 10000 to 1000; this is a reduction from 500m zeny to 50m zeny to unlock the sanctuary.

Additionally, the rewards for turning in the Lottery Tickets have been completely redone.


NPC_Earthquake Nerf

If there are less than 36 targets for NPC_Earthquake, then its damage may be calculated as if there are additional targets.